Dear Church 2.0 - the blog,
My name is Kevin Rush (a.k.a. Kez) and I am the founder and primary contributor of Church 2.0 - the blog. It has been just over three years since I wrote our first blog post that stated our purpose; to provide help to Pastors and other servants of God to use technology to meet ministry needs with less effort and expense. Three years, 475+ subscribers, and just under 250 blog posts later, I am proud to announce that we have done just that and we will continue to do that into the future. However, it will not be under my direction and leadership.
For a while I have been following God’s calling to start a new church to reach people who are far from God. It’s been a long and exciting journey, but he has led us to Cleveland, OH to plant a church in 2011. You can learn more about my calling at or by signing up for a newsletter here.
After spending sometime in prayer and advice from close friends it has become clear to me that I no longer have the time, nor the passion that I once had, for the Church 2.0 blog. I need to give all my effort and energy to our church plant, so I have decided to find new leadership and contributors to run the blog full-time.
As I began a search several friends directed me to Brooke Drumm. Brooke owns a web development company in Lincoln, CA. He has designed an iphone app and a podcasting company dedicated to churches too. Before starting his company Brooke was a youth pastor for 12 years. Brooke’s passion is the local church and anything at the crossroads of church and tech. His experience, background, and expertise makes him an excellent candidate to run Church 2.0. Brooke is assembling a top notch writing team, as I type this, and they will be taking over the blog in the future. I am very excited about what he is bringing to the table. I will stay on the team as an advisor and guest writer in the future.
Over the past three years, I have never asked anything from you besides your thoughts. As I venture off to plant a church I would love to ask and challenge you to support our plant. Since you are Pastors and Technology buffs I am challenging you to help us raise $5000 for our church’s web presence. This fund will go towards graphics, web design, support, website hosting, social networking, ChMS, software, and a little hardware. Consider giving a one time gift of $25 or more. If half of our subscribers would give $25 we would be fully funded and we could have a killer online presence!
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