Over a year ago I talked about online storage and offered some free suggestions.
[click here to read the article]
However, I wanted to make you aware of some other online storage/backup options.First, ADrive. They offer you 50GB for free!
That's crazy, but they do it.Another option is Mozy. They offer 2GB for free. But wait... what sets them apart is they have a software add-on that automatically backs up your documents. They also offer an option to pay $4.95/mo for unltimated space. This is great for the church who doesn't have any kind of backup system in place.
Personal, I still use Box.net and like it, but they only offer 2GB for free and do not have automatic backups. It might be time for a change.
Online Storage: ADrive
Posted by Unknown | 7:01 AM | Free, Organization, Productivity, Website | 1 comments »Tired of videos recorded from your mobile phone looking pixel-ly when you upload them to YouTube? Check out FixMyMovie . It's a web-service where you can send videos from your mobile phone, it will automatically correct pixel-ation and it then allows you to push the video to your YouTube, Blogger, and MySpace account. You can also download your videos to a Quicktime, WMA, or Flash file.
Below I embedded a video of my daughter, Selah Joy, drinking coffee.
Click compare in the menu to see the video before and after pixel correction.
Ran across this e-book today, "Facebook for Pastors" by Chris Forbes. It's essentially about using the power of web 2.0 to reach people, he even uses the reference of "church 2.0". I found that very fitting.
We could debate whether or not Jesus would have a Facebook account, but what's not in question is that Facebook is where people are at. With 70 million active users, and the 6th most trafficked site on the net. Facebook has made huge leaps to catch myspace in the last year, and is predicted to pass myspace in international traffic sometime in mid April 2008.
So go check it out, it's only 31 pages so it won't consume your whole life, and it's FREE!
Churchy Media and MuxTapes
Posted by Unknown | 4:23 AM | Free, Media, Website, Worship | 2 comments »The guys at ChurchyMedia are knocking the ball out of the park when it comes to their video podcast called Short Takes.
Below I embedded a Short Take on how worship teams can use MuxTape
Keep up the good work!
I know this isn't directly 'ministry' related. However, for those Youth Ministers who spend half of their paycheck on the newest ring-tones, this could be a life-saver.
Mashable has made a list of 10 tools to create your own ring-tones.
For those of you who make your own ring-tones...
What programs do you use and do you distribute them to others?
Threads Media is putting out some great small group materials for young adults and couples. Having been in contact via the blogosphere with writers such as Mark Batterson [Chase the Lion] and Derek Leman [the Feast], I highly recommend both of their series that they offer. To purchase Threads' material click here.
Here is a video of Derek promoting The Feast.
Different Kind of Blogs
Posted by Unknown | 8:29 AM | Blog, Collaborate, Communication, Feedback, Organization, Website | 3 comments »Aaron over at Digital Leadership Network wrote a great post on the different kinds of blogs and then gives some suggestions on why and how your church should blog. I'm summarize his comments below.
What Kinds Blogs Are on the Web?
1) Expert/Personality - an expert or big name giving you advice
2) Personal - someone sharing what they did that day [pictures, journaling, etc.]
3) News/Information - group of people who share information [ex- Church2.0]
4) Humor - just for fun
Suggestions for the Blogging Church:
The biggest keys to blogging is consistent updates. My suggestion would be to take the team blog approach, with different people taking on different roles. You can easily offer up separate RSS feeds or pages to break down the blogging into the three areas above:
The Expert Blog: The pastor, of course. If the community is interested in engaging in thinking about the message series throughout the week, the pastor could/should post ideas and thoughts that continue (or set up) Sunday's message.
The Personal Blog: Other leaders in your church? Perhaps small group leaders can use a public church blog to toss information and thoughts around to their attendees. A small group can open up to any curious visitor to your church's website using blogs.
The Information Blog: If a church's blog was consistently updated with upcoming events, prayer needs, updates on church member issues (ex- announcements) it would be a great chance for church members to feel loved and want to interact with the site.
Spotlight: Kindle
Posted by Unknown | 4:54 AM | Collaborate, Communication, Free, Website | 0 comments »A few weeks ago I wrote a post on WordPress Driven Church. My friend, Luke, launched the Church site several days ago. Click the picture below to go check it out and let us know what you think.
If you are considering a WordPress Driven Church Website you should check out some unique themes posted over at Mashable.
So many translations, which one is right for me?
Posted by Unknown | 10:25 AM | Website | 1 comments »As some of you know I'm planting a church. A decision that I've been wrestling with is what bible translation we will provide.
Maybe you have been interested in picking up a new version, but haven't settled on one.
Try taking an online assessment at MyBibleVersion.com.
When I took the test NET scored really high and I've never even heard of that translation. I'm interesting in seeing what it has to offer.
LifeHacker reader Jill submitted a simple tip to help increase your odds of recovering a misplaced flash drive (thumb drive, key drive, stick thingy, etc.).
By simply adding a small file to the main folder on your drive, your name and phone number will be displayed as the drive's name when plugged into the finder's computer. The whole process could be done in two or three minutes. Get the full "how-to" on LifeHacker.
I like simply, handy tips.
Check Out Photoshop Express
Posted by Anonymous | 4:23 AM | Communication, Marketing, Media | 0 comments »Photoshop express
Adobe has now released Photoshop Express. It's an online Photo editor, and though it doesn't boast nearly as many tools as traditional photoshop. It can still be very useful. Another cool fact is that you can get your own sub-site like (yourname.photoshop.com), so the faster you sign up the better your chances of getting your name.
3 main reasons I would check this out.
1. It's 2GB of free storage for photos that you can use for your blog, facebook, myspace, etc
2.Adobe has said that with in 10 years all of their apps will be online, so considered this an early sneak peek.
3.It's Adobe, they tend to do stuff right. So why not get in on this at the beginning and see where it goes.