Call Recorder for Skype is by far the best little add-on that I've seen to use to record interviews via phone call through Skype.

It's $15 and it's for Mac only.
PowerGramo does the same thing for Windows users and it's free.
Most of us use design to communicate our message. We pick the right colors, choose the right fonts, and select the right media. But in the world of search engines, they don't care what your website looks like, or how slick your user interface is.
They only care about words. By indexing the words on your page, sites like Google and Yahoo can determine what your trying to say. they convert that into relevant information and plug your site into search results.
Now enter, keyword clouds.
This is a great idea to give a user a visual of what words are being indexed and in what importance on their page. It can give a quick overview of what your site is communicating to user's.
This is where wordle comes in. You can go to their site and paste in any url and it will generate a keyword cloud for you. Maybe the results reinforce your idea of what your trying to communicate, and maybe the results make you strategically think about the content of your site.
It's not just for websites though, you can copy and paste random text too. I think a cool idea for pastor would be to paste the text from your next sermon into wordle and generate a keyword cloud.
Hopefully it's a visual reminder about what you are communicating.
A N I M O T O via kwout
Ever lost a remote to a projector, dvd player, TV, etc.???
Check out remotes.com
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