Online Design Apps

Posted by Anonymous | 4:34 AM | , , | 0 comments »

I just got my beta test for Aviary.

Aviary is a suite of web-based applications (RIAs) for people who create. From image editing to typography to music to 3D to video, 18 apps in all. Right now I have access to the image editor and pattern maker.

Phoenix is the image editor, it has a clean interface and the loading time is fast. The image editor has all your basic functions, from cropping and rotating to the magic wand and lasso tool. And after you have finished image editing, you can export your file back to your desktop in any major file format including .psd files. If you have ever used photoshop or gimp shop you should feel right at home.

Peacock is the pattern generator. The pattern maker is a interesting idea, although I can't say that I have a huge need for a pattern maker and the interface takes some getting use to. It might come in handy to use it to create reusable filters that you can use in phoenix.

I can't help but see a lot of potential for web based design apps. Check out their blog Here to see the power of these apps or you can get your Beta Test Here